Sweetness from my Sorority

I started school at Ball State University, seven hours from home, with no one I knew. Move in day was a blur and as I said goodbye to my family and watched them drive away I could feel my stomach drop, wondering if I’d made the right decision. What if I didn’t make any good friends? What if I got so homesick that I was miserable all the time? The weeks slowly unfolded as classes started and I got settled in. I made friends but didn’t really feel like BSU was a home away from home yet. That all changed with one small slip of paper.

After going through formal sorority recruitment I received a bid for Alpha Omicron Pi. I was beyond ecstatic as that was the sorority I was hoping to get, but I could never have imagined just how much belonging to AOII would impact my life. Fast forward two years and I can firmly say that the friendships I have made through AOII are some of the strongest bonds that I’m sure to make in my life. My sorority has given me leadership opportunities as well as countless fun events to attend such as formals and sisterhood events like going to the pumpkin patch, paint wars, and caroling. But it is so much more than that. What really makes my sisterhood special are all the unplanned moments. It’s showing up at a sister’s house unannounced and staying for hours sharing embarrassing stories, having a high school musical marathon while singing along and live tweeting. It’s the tightest hug you can imagine when the world seems to be crumbling around you. Alpha Omicron Pi has given me the best friends I could ever ask for and memories that I will never forget.

I could go on for days and days about how much these women mean to me, but I think it is best summed up in this video. Our love, support, and pure silliness really shines through and I hope you enjoy!!